Sunday, September 5, "The Wealth of the World: Songs to Celebrate Labor Day". A Labor Day musical review celebrating songs of the early labor movement by songwriters such as Woody Guthrie, Phil Ochs, Leadbelly and more. @ Journal Square Cafe, where Kennedy Boulevard turns, 2nd floor. Local musicians to include Nathan Carpenter, Cray Rail, American Restless and Kyle Sandison. 8pm. FREE admission. Enjoy the Journal Square Cafe's delicious kitchen!
Friday, September 10 is JC FRIDAYS, and McGinley Square is about to POP! And it's JC Fridays, so admission is always FREE. Uptown Crew will be hosting several events, including these:
- "AfriPop Film Night" at Raphs Plaza. One traditional and one modern film from the third largest film industry in the world - Africa! First film starts at 7pm. Refreshments available. Don't miss Raphs Plaza's Ethiopian iced coffee - you won't find it anywhere else in Jersey City!
- "My Ancestors Were Beautiful," an exhibit of Joe Gilmore's paintings in honor of those who came before him. @ 264 Fairmount Space, between Bergen Avenue and Monticello Avenue. 6-10pm.
- "Orchidelic" Close-up photography of one of nature's most coveted delights, by Sharon Harvey. @ Diaz and Diaz Insurance, 782 Bergen Avenue. Open Friday, 11am-8pm.
Friday - Sunday, October 1-3. Uptown Crew presents the following exhibits during this year's Jersey City Artist Studio Tour:
- "My Ancestors Were Beautiful," an exhibit of Joe Gilmore's paintings in honor of those who came before him. @ 264 Fairmount Space, between Bergen Avenue and Monticello Avenue. Hours to be announced.
Thursday, October 21. Uptown Crew hosts JC Opens Up the Mic Tour 2010 in McGinley Square. Six open mic organizations in Jersey City have joined forces and each is hosting an evening of cross-vibing with the others. This night is UC's chance to welcome the other groups and everything they've got to the stage UPtown. Venue to be determined. FREE admission. Refreshments to be had, for sure.
Saturday, October 30. "THE RAVEN: Dramatic Readings of the Works of Edgar Allen Poe, the original King of American Gothic + Musical guest DARREN DEICIDE." I'm already a little scared. Enjoy Trish Szymanski's horror claymation video playlist. $5 admission. Fine refreshments available.
CASTING CALL: UC's Dramatic Reading series continues into 2011. If you are an actor and interested in reading 19th century literature aloud, please contact me directly to schedule an audition.
It's a Big City, folks. Uptown Crew is looking to hold events in all kinds of venues in all kinds of neighborhoods. And we want to shine a light on the UPside of our communities. So, let us know about the people and places who make where YOU live a better place,
Subscribe to our website.
Join the Facebook group. Post your Uptown stuff.
Uptown Jams are clean and green. Events for adults welcome ages 16 or older.
Past Events
Friday, August 20, "ADULT open mic" @ Raphs Plaza, 709 Bergen Avenue. Sign up @ 7:30p.
$5 suggested admission.
Adult art. Fine refreshments.