
Journal Square . Marion . Little India . Bergen Hill . The Island . McGinley Square . Sparrow Hill . Hilltop . Western Slope . Bergen-Lafayette . Greenville . City Line . Lincoln Park . West Side . the Heights . 440 . Dog Patch . Hackensack River Waterfront . Country Village . West Bergen . Society Hill ... what did I leave out?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hey, UPtown merchants...Make My City JC is moving in!

Make My City JC's goal is to encourage residents to spend one week at a time focusing all of their buying power LOCALLY, and at the same time, give businesses more exposure and more business!

Make My City JC started in Summery 2010 with a limited reach throughout downtown Jersey City - and you know I got with Founder Cara Birnbaum right away to ask, hey, what about the rest of Jersey City?! Well, she was already on it, and she promised the program would expand with a wider scope. And here we are!

The next Make My City week is November 15-21, and businesses are registering now. Read the details on the registration materials. And note, the registration fee is $30 through Friday, 9/24, $40 after.

Here's the whole registration package. Register with Cara Birnbaum, founder of Make My City JC, by sending your answers to cara_birnbaum@yahoo.com.



Make My City is…..

• A grassroots movement challenging Jersey City residents to shop exclusively at local, independent businesses for seven full days.

• A week of deals, discounts, and special events that give shoppers a reason to leave the car at home, skip the malls, and buy those holiday gifts on our side of the Hudson.

• A glossy, full-color map of participating businesses. Distributed all over downtown Jersey City, this brochure is a keepsake that continues to advertise local shops and restaurants long after Make My City week is over.

• An easy way to funnel our money back into our beloved mom-and-pop stores, while making this city a friendlier, safer, more vibrant place to live.

• makemycity-jc.com. Watch for blog entries about participating businesses, coming this fall!

Over 50 local businesses participated in July’s Make My City week. The next one, which begins November 15th, promises to be bigger and better. To register, please return the attached form to one of the locations below. Registration fee is $30 if you register by September 24th, $40 anytime after that. Final deadline is October 15th.

• Smith & Chang (c/o Alex Chang); 230 Pavonia Avenue, in the Hamilton Square building

• Made with Love Organic Bakery and Café (c/o Celeste Governanti); 530 Jersey Avenue

• The Stockinette (c/o Gynine Visconti); 581 Jersey Avenue

If you have any questions, please go to makemycity-jc.com, and click on “contact us.”


The Make My City Team

MAKE MY CITY WEEK REGISTRATION FORM—please write legibly to ensure your information translates accurately to the brochure.

Registration fee is $30 if you register by September 24th, $40 anytime after that. Final deadline is October 15th. Please enclose cash or a check made out to Make My City.

Name of business/owner:

Contact information…

Email address:

Cell number:

Business phone (for the general public)

Store address and website:

Week-long discount you will offer—please choose a discount that will truly offer customers an incentive to come in.

Are you willing to hold a special event during the week (music, gallery opening, etc.)? If so, we’ll contact you to discuss the details.-

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